Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party suffered a historic defeat in the UK general elections. Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with Labour activist Joshua Y. Jackson, who says the failure of the party to get behind Brexit destroyed it, and handed victory to the far-right Conservatives and Boris Johnson.
Josh talks about how the centrists who still dominate Labour sabotaged Corbyn’s campaign, and how the media-savvy “middle-class left” abandoned socialist working-class policies to not lose the approval of the commentariat.
Follow Josh on Twitter at @JoshuaYJackson
We need to get back to class politics. Back to the bread and butter issues. We need to be tough and say “no more liberal silliness” and tell the liberals and anarcho-whatevers to do one. And get out of the London-Guardian orbit.
— Josh Jackson (@JoshuaYJackson) December 13, 2019
Show notes
YouGov, January 2019: “Brexit indecisiveness is seriously damaging Corbyn”
Labour is now the largest Party in Europe. That’s due to policy direction of Corbyn leadership & vision. The manifesto pledges were popular & desperately needed. But too many ‘centrist’ Labour MPs were focused on insisting on Remain position & ignoring Labour Brexit voters (cont)
— Salma Yaqoob (@SalmaYaqoob) December 13, 2019
— LEXIT_LOVER69 (@coso9001) December 12, 2019
Jack Donohue thread:
A megathread so people get it into their thick skulls that refusing to accept the Brexit was fatal to Labour's base and so we're now seeing a huge realignment in British politics:
— Jack Donohue (@jckdnh) December 13, 2019
Workington was (apart from a 1976 by-election) held continuously by Labour since 1918, when it was created.
— Jack Donohue (@jckdnh) December 13, 2019